Homing switches for the mill

My cnc mill itsn’t ready yet, but I hope it will be soon so I’ve been starting to learn a bit of gcode. Meanwhile here are my homing switches.

My approach here it’s very similar to the homing switches I did for the lathe some time ago. For X and Y axis I’d use the same type of micro optical switches; maybe RPI-131 from Rohm , maybe ee_sx1103 from Omron, not sure. For the Z axis I’d use a more typical H21A2 from Fairchild. Of course optical switches are only advisable when you can protect them from chips and debris.

home_swt_01 home_swt_02 home_swt_04home_swt_04After intalling and testing you should configure homing switch location and travel range for every axis (a trial-error process). Now I know the cutting envelope of my machine is 206 x 162 x 172 mm (8.1 x 6.37 x 6.77 inches).

Regarding to the nice spindle distribution box: I learn that doing deep pocket milling by hand in polyamide it’s a very unpleasant task (at least this 48x66x21 mm pocket).

home_swt_05Pleas note this is the only one polyamide part on the mill; other plastic parts are delrin made.

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